Hydraulic Cylinder Maintenance
We carry out the maintenance and modifications of hydraulic cylinders meticulously.
Air in oil problem is very common in hydraulic cylinders. The most serious damages are caused by the explosion of the diesel effect of the air in the oil. The rapidly compressed air suddenly reaches such a high temperature that it causes the air-oil mixture in the environment to explode by burning. This is more common in cylinders operating against variable loads. During this explosion, the pressure in the explosion area causes an increase of 5 to 6 times the nominal working pressure. This causes damage to the bearing materials and metal surfaces, especially the sealing element. Damage to the sealing element and thermoplastic parts is seen as local burning and melting.
Considering the damages caused by the diesel effect, it is understood that controlling the amount of air in the oil is very important. For this reason, precautions should be taken to prevent air from entering the oil tank, pump, valves and cylinders. When a cylinder is being replaced or newly commissioned, it must be ensured that there is no air in it. Otherwise, the sealing element will deteriorate. The system is in danger as soon as the air saturation point of the oil is exceeded at normal pressure.
The system is in danger as soon as the air saturation point of the oil is exceeded at normal pressure. Even below the saturation point, the vacuum that will form in the system can separate the air from the oil by condensing and damage the sealing element.
When disassembling a damaged seal in a problem cylinder, it should be inspected with the piston's designer and seal manufacturer. Because replacing the sealing element with a new one will not solve the problem.
One of the frequently encountered problems in hydraulic cylinders is hydrodynamic pressure. Hydrodynamic pressure is when the pressure in the space between the sealing elements in the hydraulic cylinders and the bearing element reaches a value far above the system pressure, causing permanent deformation of the sealing element.